Distraction #99

Distraction #99

But it's a good one, I tell you.

Remember my Singapore Studies essay? (Well how couldn't you, when I've been blabbering about it in many posts :P) Yep, it's that research essay on Corridor, a short story collection by Alfian Sa'at. And yessss, it's the one I painstakingly worked on till the wee hours of the morning for several nights, and about which I emailed my tutor because of sudden roadblocks that conveniently popped up one day before the deadline (word length, the issue of whether it should discuss the author's viewpoints or mine).

I finally submitted my essay this rainy afternoon (and yes I got soaking wet once again), after letting Karen, Ferron, and Michael read it, so I could get an idea of how I'll fare. Karen pointed out some flaws in my assumptions (which I tried to correct later on), Ferron gave thorough critique of my presentation, and Michael gave it an 8.5/10, which is good enough for me. I myself am unsure about the essay: it's 200 words over the Suggested Length of 2500, and although I am still clinging on to the belief that I should present the author's perspectives more than my opinion because the instruction says so ("how the text represents Singapore"), I am still unsure about the whole thing.

So imagine my surprise when I received this email:


From : Alfian Bin Sa'at

Sent : Friday, November 12, 2004 5:06:32 PM

To : joseph soroƱgon

Subject : Re: thanks again!

Dear Joseph,

I got your message that you left on my diaryland guestbook. I was wondering if I

could trouble you with sending me that essay you're writing on 'Corridor'? It would

such a pleasure and honour to read.

Alfian. : )


If you care too much about Singapore,

First it'll break your spirit

And then it'll break your heart.


This freaked me out a bit. See, I signed Alfian's guestbook in his diaryland journal (which contains very interesting and insightful material too), and although I did say that I was writing a paper on his short story collection, Corridor, I didn't hope or expect him to ask me to send it. Hehe, just want to clarify that I wasn't doing any fishing of sorts. I signed his guestbook, more as a form of relief that the bloody essay was nearing its completion, and a sign of gratitude for "helping" me make the essay. I mean, no Alfian -> no Corridor -> no essay, right?

Now, all I can think of is, "I'm not worthy!!" God I am such a sucker for successful writers. I am envious, as a matter of fact. And although some signs here and there would tell you that I may just be underestimating myself (my writing awards and credits I am sincerely thankful for and mighty proud of, don't get me wrong), I still am awed by these writers of top calibre. I mean, they're on a totally different plane! But then again, I'm only 18, soo.. it only gets better. Hehe.

Still, I'm a bit anxious about sending Alfian a copy of my essay. It's like playing an original guitar composition to Jason Mraz, or giving Usher a sample of one's own dance moves. Imagine that! Or, dealing with something closer to home, how about letting Jessica Zafra read your English assignment? You get the drift. I'm still sending it, though, and I hope he won't be too disappointed. Thank you Alfian, though, for emailing one of your fans. ;)

Oh, btw, if you don't know who the great Alfian Sa'at is, click on this link to access one of my earlier posts.

Hmm.. I think I've spent too much time blogging now, and this is yet another distraction to my study time! Argh, and to think the cold rain has lulled me to sleep all afternoon. Hmph. Linear algebra awaits.


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