Good news

Good news

Dear Bloggie,

I have some great news for you, which just arrived through email. Haha, lately it's from email that I get all these good news! But then again, I receive my grades through email too, and the release date this sem is ironically gonna be around 25th of December, so I'm not sure about "good news" just yet. Hah.

Anyway, this fresh news is grrrreat actually, but we have to keep it hush-hush for now. Don't want to jinx it you know. But one thing's for sure, blogster, we're in this together. Haha.

My article for the Ridge is still short by about 97% of content, my room's still a mess, but I indulged in some auditory/visual treats! FINALLY, the OC's ep 4 was downloaded (no thanks to Bit Torrent..I love Ares) and surprise surprise, it was a happy episode! Haha. About time they broke the string of depressing episodes.;) I hate spoilers, you know that, but I'll say this one was such a sweeeeeet episode with just the right amount of sarcasm (which I totally enjoy since I was once called Mr. Sarcastic) and wit and humor and crazy teenage hiccups and hookups. Man, I've fallen in love too with the soundtrack yet again. Surprise music find of the day: On Your Way by The Album Leaf. Totally rocks this song, as much as it sounds lazy and wistful and dreamy. Rocks especially the way they used it in this ep. It plays at just the right moments. No spoilers I told you. Hee.. teenage stuff. Don't worry, I'll outgrow this. Not too soon I hope, though. Happy to be 18, thanks. =P

And so passes another day. Quite a relaxing day. I'm gonna be productive tomorrow, I promise.

Music of the moment: Sheryl Crow's Sweet Child O' Mine and The Album Leaf's On Your Way

Currently feeling relaxed.


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