Fockerized and Hustled

Fockerized and Hustled

With the prodding of Ferron and Cecilia and Robinson and Gail, I jumpstarted the new sem with back-to-back movies.. at moviehouses! (Yep, this time it's the legal way!) I don't usually go to cinemas in Singapore since they're so pricey here compared to those in the Philippines (and yes there's that file-sharing option), but since I've always maintained I'm not a killjoy (unless I really have to for some serious reason), I decided to go watch movies with them two nights in a row. Ferron and Cecilia are still the hall-of-famers, though, with their three-night streak.

Meet the Fockers (@ Plaza Singapura) was crazy. It was a movie with enough smarts, enough plot, nice production value, and more than enough laughs to keep you entertained all throughout the movie. It was well thought out and STILL funny, and I give it an 8.5/10! And Barbra Streisand and Dustin Hoffman, I'll never see you the same way again. Haha, that's a great compliment, actually. ;) And of course, for a comedy film with a title like Meet the Fockers, how can you go wrong?

Kung Fu Hustle (@ Jurong Point) was out of this world. My God, it blew my mind. It has no plot (according to movie seatmate Gail), but it's a tremendous laughtrip! I salute actor-director-writer Stephen Chow for coming up with those wacky ideas which I doubt will ever be churned out by my best creative juices. It's not too smart a movie, but for sheer mindless fun and creatively terrific fight scenes, I give it an 8/10. Haha, quite refreshing after watching "brainy" shows like CSI (and its Miami and NY spin-offs), Survivor, The Amazing Race, The OC. (Okay, so maybe OC isn't much of a brainy show). And I suddenly miss my old hall KE7's cooool Wushu Team too!

W a t c h people, and be fockerized and hustled!

* * *

But you know what's really Fockered up? MSN. And my modules! Argh, I'm so disappointed my American Film module just has to clash with the tutorial for my Molecular Genetics! Ugh. And of course I can't drop Molecular Genetics since I am open to the idea of taking the Statistics (with concentration in Biostatistics) major. And MSN.. sigh. Please let me send messages to my friends, will you?

And yessss, tomorrow will be total Hustle day. It's crazy, I'm stressed even just thinking about it. So I plan to sit in for Diana's Algebra class at 8am-10am, and then I bid for the Reading Visual Images module through CORS in the hope I get in, then it's a 12-2pm Probability lecture, a break, then Calculus at 4-6pm. At 615pm I'll drop by PGP for the NUS Choir practice, then I'll have to excuse myself at 730pm and go over to the Basketball match of KR and cheer with the Cheer Team (I'll call it Cheer Team instead of Cheerleading team ok? We just yell and clap anyway.. NO STUNTS), then it's back to KR Hall at 930pm with the Cheer Team to lead and teach the hall cheers for IHG (Inter-Hall Games), and at 10pm till midnight, there's still tenor sectionals for KR Choir.

Argh. But that's okay, actually. I like the hustle anyway. And I like the feeling of somehow being "fully-booked". Hah.

Music of the moment: Fatboy Slim's Kung Fu Fighting

Currently feeling anxious about tomorrow's classes!


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