what i really want

is for you
all of you to whom i matter
and who matter to me

to get inside my head
to swim in my thoughts

thoughts and thoughts
that have been swirling
round and round

thoughts i'm too lazy
too busy too exhausted
too scared too paiseh
too selfish too proud

to articulate,
by way of this blog
or otherwise.

the events and places i've been to
people who've kept me company
(and those whose company i keep
only in my thoughts)
sentiments i've been harboring

and the music!
the art, the tube
the fabric, the long walks
the messages (digital or otherwise)
the voices, the stories
(okay some alcohol too)
the memories
that have kept me going

they go
round and round
in and out
of my head
and in again

i sure as hell want
to know
to know me

partly because
i've become a lousy blogger
wanting to make amends

partly because
i just miss you!
i'll be missing you
maybe i've missed you before

who matter to me
and to whom i matter

now tell me about your day


chicken! said...

i miss you too. hang in there.

Joseph said...

hey karen! haha i'm fine, don't worry . and your comment made my day--never mind if it assumes that i miss you and that you're one of those who matter to me and to whom i matter.:P
(for the record you assume correctly)

enjoy your final week at davao and send me some goodies k! cya soon!

fleeting mist said...

wow...so sweeer!

Dad said...

Lousy days do come. Biorhythms...inside and outside us! Just remember they soon give way to the sun! Remember too that people love you!

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