1:08am. still up. just chatted with mykel, who has new hair (or something), arthur, to whom i sent my cute msn smileys and who just tagged me here, and nirorn, who asked about installing kazaa in his pc. oh yeah, robin too, and kerwin, and yes, evita! sigh. i miss evita and the rest of the gang. =/

surprisingly, the rain has stopped. it's not dry, but it's not too wet either. more of damp.

maybe it's the weather, or maybe it's just me, but i'm feeling a little ODD again (refer to previous post entitled "ODD"). if the word "odd" is too ambiguous, try damp and cold and lonely. but that, my friends is an exaggeration. but not too much. (am i confusing you? you should have stuck to "odd".=P)

anyway, i now understand why it's depressing during winter, as miss annie, one of my high school english teachers, shared with me about her brief stint as a masteral student in australia. the weather is just it. after one tires of the romantic notions of snow angels (in australia) or walking in the rain (here in tropical singapore) or just the calmness and soothing effect of the precipitation (science! hah) outside the window, one just feels the cold, the emptiness sinking in.


this is getting too melodramatic. nah, i'm not this miserable. honestly.

just got carried away. or maybe not. anyway, lemme continue.

DAMP is the word of the day. (the day being january 29, not 30.. umaga na nga pla)

it has got to be connected with the weather. sigh.

i don't even know why i feel this way. hmmm... let me see.

it was raining awhile ago, as i posted the previous blog.

i'll carry on from there.

i went to meet wayne, kor, ivy, and we rode the bus to the science canteen.

a nice thing happened in the bus. wayne and i were talking in tagalog (loudly if i may add), when a guy asked us from behind. turns out he was pinoy as well, and he had heard our conversation. he was tall, friendly guy, who we learned later, was a masteral student. he asked which faculty were we staying, how long we've been here, and other polite stuff that one could squeeze into a one-minute conversation, as it was just about time to alight in the science bus stop. he bid us goodbye, and told us to study well as we left the door.

it was when we were out the bus that wayne and korinna realized we should have asked the guy's name. maybe our seniors know him too. people were alighting and boarding the bus already, when, after a moment's hesitation, wayne dashed to the rear door to ask the kindly man from afar his name. "arvin" was all we got. our seniors didn't know him, we later learned, but still, it was a real treat to have met a friendly pinoy stranger in singapore. God bless that guy.

we met our pinoy seniors ferron, jeunesse, gelo, kuya jonas and ate lala for lunch. it wasn't a planned thing, but it was almost always sure that there would be pinoy seniors chatting away over lunch on any given weekday. i borrowed money for lunch from wayne this time (ivy was my victim twice in a row), since the weather didn't permit me to withdraw money from the atm.

ignoring the bird flu scare and because i wanted to save money, i ate chicken chop with wayne. the milo van was again here, a sign of a good day, at the very least. free milo for everyone. arthur says that's the only thing in singapore that's free.

i rushed my assignment, which, although i tried to finish earlier in the morning, i just couldn't. with ivy's help, i was able to recall my good ol' math days and those darn lessons which managed to fade away into the inactive parts of my brain. God please help me with my lessons.

i had math class 2-4pm, beside dustin and ivy. dustin found it boring, as it was basically a review of things we had learned last sem. i pitied david chew a little, having to teach these lessons when a number of students don't listen anymore, but there's no denying too, that he explains very well.

after class i went to visit the bazaar in the science forum.

there i met the second friendly guy of the day. different bazaars have been up here for about two weeks now, out to net those shopping for valentine's. i was looking through cards with a horoscope for aquarius, when this seller greeted me in a faint, hoarse voice. presumably basing on my non-chinese looks, he asked which country i'm from, how i'd like the cards, where i'm staying, which faculty and what year.. you know, the friendly stuff. that made me happy. it's rare to find those people here. he had no english name, but i think his name sounded like, "shao shua" or something. (with chinese names spelled in english, i'm totally lost in pronunciation. just hearing the names of some of my chinese friends, i'd never have guessed they were spelled qie tau and xiaolong and shaocong and zhou yang, to name a few.) anyway, "shao shua" was a warm and smiling guy who was simply too nice. i wish him all the best.

hmmm... i'm too sleepy now. it's 1:59am! sigh.

have to go, bloggie. besides, this blog is getting too long. i don't wanna bore my readers, even myself. i'll continue tomorrow (or later, technically). thank God there's no class. this has been one looooong day.



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