i just had pizza and coke and now i can die.

i swear, it's been a looooooooong time since i had pizza.

kahit na nung nasa pinas ako, i didn't get to eat my once favorite food.

it was all mcdo and mandarin tea garden and jollibee for me.

i ate at greenwich once though, but it was chicken ala king for me. u know,

those baked rice melt dishes. yummy just the same. ;)

anyway, i just missed pizza and coke!

the pizza mostly. because coke's available in the vendo of my block on the ground floor.

and what was even more mouth-watering was the fact that the pizza came in full force:

SIX (or so) boxes of pizza in ham & cheese, seafood, veggies, and more!

they were the good type of pizza, and they tasted simply like manna from heaven.

(well, the pork or beef in the ham and cheese was the best-tasting of the manna though.

the least? the veggies. but still tasty! )

it was the birthday party of my pinoy senior here, you see, ferron.

(nice name huh? it has something to do with "iron", see. :p)

it was somewhat a reunion for the pinoys here. it was fun.

it was a wonderful time to talk and laugh with my pinoy friends here,

do some bonding with my high school batchmates korinna and ibiang.

and wayne na rin from pisay dil.

i had to miss fencing training though.

and i hope kaung yuan is not too disappointed.

oh well. i told him anyway, and he granted me permission.

that should unload whatever's in my conscience, right?

but then again, i didn't tell KY i was going out to enjoy a party.

i told him i was going out to attend a "Filipino meeting". ;P

he asked what time would it be over, i said i didn't know.

he reluctantly agreed, i think.

what could he do anyway, right?

but no, my conscience wouldn't allow me to waltz into the party so easily.

bumigat dibdib ko, and i knew i had to do something.

i went to my room, and emailed KY.

this time i had to be more specific:


From: Joseph Capirig Sorongon

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 7:40 PM

To: Lew Kaung Yuan

Subject: meeting tonight 12/1

Dear KY,

I'm very sorry I couldn't attend tonight's fencing training because the Filipinos from all over NUS will have a meeting, also at 8pm tonight at the Hon Sui Sen Library.

Anyway, I promise to attend the succeeding fencing sessions faithfully.

Sorry again.




there. that ought to have done it.

i didn't lie. it really was a meeting of Filipinos from all over NUS. from the different residence halls, as a matter of fact. we met because of our fellow pinoy's birthday.

it really was held in the hon sui sen library, in the open basement.

and it really was at 8 o' clock pm.

i didn't LIE, really, and it felt good to write this email.

but when i checked my mail just moments ago, i read KY's reply, and now my heart is THUDDING in my chest.


I would also need u to explain why u cant attend and support the novice competition last Sunday. And dun accept stupid excuses

-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph Capirig Sorongon

Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 7:40 PM

To: Lew Kaung Yuan

Subject: meeting tonight 12/1



the novice fencing competition last sunday. darn.

my stupid excuse?


now i'm in big trouble.

and i thought last sunday, i was being a good boy.

went to church with pinoy friends, had lunch, grocery.

now i feel awful.

now where was i?

oh yeah, pizza and coke.

i need pizza and coke right now.

to calm my nerves.

to make me feel better.

to make me a little happy.

you see, i have a few "upper" foods that never fail to make me happy.

these include cheese, pasta, pizza, mangoes, mcflurry, blueberry cheesecake,

even the la tundan bananas.

needless to say, i need pizza and coke right now.

my, it's 11:25pm already.

i have a meeting with PR Comm at 11:30.

i MUST go now, lest i screw up this other comm and need to buy more upper foods.

come to think of it, i think i'm gonna drop by my fresh milk in the fridge on the 3rd floor.

pizza&coke and fresh milk? i can hardly see the difference.


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